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MS Reporters request: MS, my Baby and Me

Hey! Fiona here - I'm a Programme Coordinator at We’re currently planning an MS Reporters video series on the postpartum period with MS called, “MS, my Baby and Me” - and we’d like to ask for your help in designing it. This series will explore a time of life lots of women with...


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MS reporters in Paris

Hello Shifters. I have to say I am really appreciating all the video clip extracts from Paris. Short enough to be watchable but not overly technical. They are realistically pitched too; they don't encourage you to project a vision of false hope, but paint a clear picture of progress in medicine and ...

MS Reporters survey

Hi everyone, You might have seen some of our MS Reporters videos. We have over 30 live now with meet ups happening every month. We are doing a bit of research with Prof Dawn Langdon to see what impacts the content have. Would be great if you could fill in this survey for us. (It involved watchin...


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MS Reporters - we need your questions

Hi, Dita from the team here. We've been working away with the MS Reporters project, and we will be releasing the first set of videos very soon! We now have 15 MS Reporters across the UK and we're off to Salford this weekend to train another group. So we need your questions, let us know al...


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Managing Uncertainty

Hi Guys! We're currently planning an MS Reporters series aimed at helping people with MS manage the uncertainty that an MS diagnosis brings into their lives. I'd be really keen to hear your thoughts on any or all (or none) of the questions below: How do you manage this uncertainty? What helps a...


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Thank you for all the insights

Hello this is my first post, although I have been following the forum for several months. I was diagnosed in January and my MS nurse recommended the site. I want to say thank you to you all for all the support you give to each other and new people like me and loads of information that I have picked ...

Is my MS progressing? Progression is often the elephant in the room, serving to build fear and trepidation for people who are living with MS. Through investigative conversations that unpick the human side of the topic, ‘Is my MS progres...




MS, my Baby & Me 👶👩‍🍼

In our new series ‘MS, my Baby and Me’, our MS Reporters are on a mission - to start a conversation about the postpartum period & MS. In Ep 1, Carla, Rosie & Grace talk surprises, challenges & life changes, watch ➡️


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Dom’s Covid Diary (Sat May 9th)

I hope y'all are doing well. I am getting Covid-19 overload. Having subscribed to various MS and non-Ms video channels, scientific blogs, and have been present at countless webinars I am thoroughly sheep-dipped in it. Some medical, some patient. There are probably a few key messages to take away fr...


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Daily Briefing Covid-19 [16th April '20]

Hej (Swedish today), - The Donald seems to think that nature understands the greatness of the US and has sped up the Covid-19 development there as a result. Apparently they are flattening the curve faster than anyone else and get back to normal pretty sharpish. He is an extraordinarily strange man....