How do those who are single, get round the hurdle of dating, as soon as I tell a woman who I get chatting to that I've got ms, they just disappear, it can be so upsetting.
How is your dating life with ms? Do I tell him my issues like walking/ balance? I don’t know how to go about it. He knows my diagnose but I don’t think he knows my limitations.
When do you tell someone your dating that you have ms? I told the last person on the 5th date and they got upset with me for not telling them sooner. I didn’t feel comfortable with them sooner and it didn’t seem like he was that into me.
Oh my days, I'm hurt!!
My wife that I've now separated couldn't live with/deal with a faulty husband so at the beginning of this year I moved back to my parents to enable me to start again after being awarded own little 1 bed flat from the housing.
I unexpectedly started dating someone and now unf...
I would just like to know your thoughts on having MS and dating. When would you tell the person about MS ? Has anyone got any good or bad stories they would like to share 😊
I would love to hear from anyone that is currently single with MS and trying to date, or anyone that was single and is now in a relationship/married. How do/did you deal with dating and disclosing the diagnosis with your partner? How do you get over the thought of feeling like "damaged goods" or tha...
Ok, so this is a strange thing to ask cos I'm always positive about my MS and I'll be damned if it gets in my way...but I've kinda decided to enter the dating pool again...thing is, unless I tell people, you don't know I have MS so do I tell people before I go on dates or after? My MS doesn't define...