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When do you tell someone your dating that you have ms? I told the last person on the 5th date and they got upset with me for not telling them sooner. I didn’t feel comfortable with them sooner and it didn’t seem like he was that into me.

I’d say “when it becomes relevant”. If dates involve meals at restaurants I don’t see why I’d need to share. If they suggest a long walk or drive it would, at that point, become relevant in my opinion as I may be limited by my symptoms. Someone who gets upset that I didn’t share personal medical information until the 5th date can take a hike. I’m sorry you experienced this.


I’m facing a relationship breakdown at the moment and will eventually have to try the whole online dating thing again. I am dreading it, it was already bad enough without throwing ms into the mix. How do the ones of you who are single get on with online dating and telling people you have ms ?