I thought things at one point was getting normal. I was eating some food laughing with the kids when my body tried to accept it’s fate. I was told I wasn’t moving I didn’t wake up my children ran and called for help. During cpr apparently my body wasn’t cooperating so the ambulance arrived. They use...
The last time I sure my MS consultant he asked me if I'd like to stop self injecting which I thought was a bit strange as I have been doing this for the last 25 years. Is it a cost cutting exercise or has anyone else had the same happen to them?
Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone else has had trouble with medication. When I was pregnant I was on copaxone which my skin had a bad reaction too and then on avonex but had bad flu symptoms when I took them for 3 hours.
Then I change to tecfidera when I was no longer pregnant and took for 3 mon...
I'm looking for feedback on any side effects people have suffered on either Avonex, Tecfidera or Aubagio.
Some of the possible side effects look scary and I'm trying to make a decision on which of the three Ive been offered I should try next.
Aubagio looks the less dangerous but I'd like to hear e...
I've got an appointment in two weeks and I've been asked to choose between three treatments: Avonex, Aubagio or Tecfidera. After looking at all the side effects I think Avonex is my best choice. What's everyone's experiences with these drugs?
My ms nurse just phoned me- I’m having my infusion next month then I’m having my injection next year.
It will be in the tummy before take antihistamines, Paracetamol and a steroid tablet. It will take 10 minutes probably have to wait view minutes to see how you are. Never had a infection in my tumm...
Hello again everyone. I’m still bloomin ill. Had a test and I’ve had/got campylobacter. My injection was due last Sunday. My nurse advised to delay it and said to get back to them if it’s delayed by over a week.
I’m still not 100%. Much better than I was but still nauseous and my stomach is defini...
…and I feel like I've been struck by a ton of bricks! I have not felt this bad since I got Covid (yes and no- it was negative-)! flu-like symptoms seem to be the main side effect but this is almost unbearable!
I just got diagnosed in June of this year so this is all kinda scary so any encourageme...