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Gamers with MS

I was a heavy gamer when I was first diagnosed as I was suffering a lot of mobility issues and it was a way of getting out whithout going out. I tend to code software in Visual Studio now as a distraction from the discomfort I have from the Avonex Injection. Up until recently I have kind of blanking out the day to day things of suffering with RRMS and gaming has been a cooping mechanism for me. I enjoy my job as a shop assistant but I don't like it when the managers focus on me when I go back from a relapse and in the past I've been forced to cut back my hours. I was just wondering if there is anyone else that uses gaming as a cooping technique and what other ways I can take my mind off of the pain as it upsets my partner when I'm on my PC most of the time even when it's now injection day. I have cut back a lot with my gaming and PC habits but it's gone un-noticed really and I still get fustrated when I can't get to me PC to forget about the pain. Look forward to hearing your thought's as I don't speak to many people with MS and thing I should start somewhere.

There are lots of things you need to think about I agree that gaming is a great way to take your mind off things but it's not the only way. Your family (three children by 26 you are a quick worker!) Should take loads of your time try playing games you can play with them, as much as you can play with your children they are very understanding creatures and if you can't run around much do other things. Your partner obviously needs more of your time and there is no reason why you can't focus on her too do not forget her life has changed as well as yours! It is too easy to focus on that screen but although you should keep playing do make an effort to get away from it too. Your work in retail you enjoy and I know sometimes when management or HR make an issue of your MS it's a pain. I suppose you've just got to get on with it. At least when you are working you enjoy yourself. Keep going enjoy every aspect of your life be aware of the other people in it and look after yourself. Sue x


Thank you Sue for the response. As I said, it's mainly a cooping mechinisum when I'm gaming or coding on my PC and I do try to play with the kids but I only last about 30 minutes before I'm out of energy. I spoke with a neurophysio yesterday and she pointed out that I don't eat the right stuff and I need to eat health a bit more and I'm going to try changing that as much as I can. I am a smoker from 16 and I just brought a e-cig to try and give up again. My life has been stressful so giving up has always been hard. I did give up for 6 month at one point but I was attacked by my brother and ended up moving out of home and falling out with my family over it. I was stressed and because my partner smokes I started again. I regret giving in now and want to try giving up again. When I was first diagnosed I would be on my Xbox 360 from the moment I woke up to the time I went to bed. Now I hardly play games other than on injection day and Sunday night with a friend from work. So I've come a long way from just sitting there on a games console and the PC has help me learn more useful things in life. I want to change my life to involve PC's as a job where I'm working in the day and I can spend more time in the evening with my family as I go out to work as they get in from school at the moment as I have has sleeping problems in the past where mornings was impossible to get up and be in the right place in my head. I just need tips on what others do to coop with energy levels and keeping a positive mind.