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GP experience

So I was diagnosed with RRMS in 2014, after an initial episode in 2006 which was diagnosed as stress related swelling on the brain. The episodes I have experienced previously have been triggered by stress. I sat in the GP’s surgery and sobbed this morning and told him I had tingling in my left leg, numbness & tingling in my right arm and he signed me off for 2 weeks with stress and refused me any medication because MS attacks are triggered by infections and not stress. GP advised me to call MS Nurse for medication (is this new as I have never been asked to do this before)? Called MS Nurse and can’t get a telephone appointment until Tuesday next week. In the mesntimr I still have my MS symptoms and nothing to help me with them or to stop them getting worse. Any advice gratefully appreciated please my fellow MSers 🫶

I usually just call up the ms nurse line and ask if there are any cancellations for over the phone sooner. I've been really lucky with doing that. Might be worth a try? I know the relapse clinic is Wednesdays so I usually call early the morning of. Hope this helps


@ettelrahs thanks, so much I’ll give that a try 🫶