How much of a change does DMT make to you?
I am patiently awaiting treatment for RRMS. I have a working diagnosis of MS at the moment as they were awaiting an antibodies result to cone back negative for NMO. This has now come back negative, so just awaiting consultantion with neurologist to confirm RRMS.
The one thing that keeps me going at the moment is the hope of treatment soon. Do DMT’s give you some level of normality again? Maybe my expectation is too high. 🧐🫣
I’m not sure how to answer that. If you have very active RRMS with relapses and new lesions every few months, then yes, DMDs can slow that down and give you a measure of ‘new’ normality. It can also bring a great sense of psychological relief to be on therapy. But DMDs wont fix any damage already done and if you are symptomatic, the likelihood is those symptoms will remain. Hope you see the neurologist soon and you get a confirmed diagnosis so you can start treatment. Fingers crossed you won’t need an LP or repeat MRI and you can be given your treatment options at the appt.
DMTs aren’t so much symptomatic relief as an investment in your future. taking a highly effective DMT serves to slow down the onset of disability, increase the time between relapses and mitigate the severity of relapses. some, like ocrelizumab have a real affect on the development of brain lesions. Google the MS Brain health initiative and you’ll learn loads more on how to keep your brain as healthy as possible.