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Fighting MS

I’ve been heavy-set my entire memory. As a larger man I really wasn’t prepared to what MS does to me physically but how it can sabotage me emotionally. Diagnosed in 2017 I started with Avonex which I learned flu-like symptoms are not okay to have everyday. 2018 tecfidera was more palatable but went from cane to forearm crutches to walkers inside the year. The wheelchair in 2020 and depression took a front seat. Stopped taking pills, stopped going out and started down some really dark roads and didn’t feel myself. In 2022 restarted pt and realized I have to do something different so watching mma fighters I wondered if I could keep my guard up fo the round, too easy, try throwing punches, that was it! My heart ❤️ was pumping and I felt something I hadn’t in a long time, hope. The next day expected the muscle soreness but didn’t expect returned strength and balance. Been at it solid 3 months now. 30 min a day very hard at first but when doing daily feeling lighter and core strength is improving to where a condition that has brought me a lot of “can’t” I now feel much more “CAN” for my future days. My New Year’s resolution was to lose 40 lbs started 291 in Jan and 275 may 9. Best part is how my body feels. At times I feel like a toddler, learning my body. I may be a bit optimistic but I think I might be able to shed the wc. Ocrevis is my current treatment and for last year I would say it has slowed progression. In this storm I’ve been turned upside down and spun around I don’t know what the future holds but I’m going to keep fighting!

Go U!!!! Thanx for sharing always inspirational 👍🤞✊💪🍀


Good for you that is fantastic to hear!