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Need to know I’m not alone

I was recently diagnosed with RRMS and am on Ocrevus. The lesions causing me issues are on the cervical spine. I’m experiencing pain, spasticity and numbness in my lower body. I can still walk but it is limited. Would love to hear that I am not alone. Does anyone have the same symptoms?

Hi there You are not alone.. Reading your post sounds exactly like what I experience Im currently on Ocrevus and my last mri after a relapse showed lesions on cervical spine. I can still walk but now limited. Spasm galore and lots of pain especially hip and lower leg and feet. It's 10 years since being diagnosed but I feel more of MS now in the last 5 years.


@A321 I am so sorry you are also dealing with this! but selfishly it’s nice to hear I’m not alone. Do you use a mobility device? it seems the more I walk, the more I pay for it with symptoms. I need a way to get around but since I can walk short distances I don’t think a wheelchair is needed. I can DM you if you don’t mind discussing