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Diet and RRMS

I am newly diagnosed with RRMS although have probably had it for about four years without a medical definition. In those four years I ate pretty normally and was lucky enough to only have one real relapse (when I was finally diagnosed) and day-to-day balance problems, but I have been reading a lot about how low saturated fat, non-dairy, non-gluten, non-sugar, pescatarian diet can be really helpful in limiting relapses and symptoms of MS. None of the doctors I have seen so far have given me positive feedback about this, but I am assuming that drug therapy is more their specialism so this is no surprise. I am wondering though if anyone has altered their diet and if it has been beneficial to them in regards to MS? Obviously a healthier diet can be nothing but positive, but cutting dairy, gluten, meat and sugar is pretty extreme! I have yet to start on any drug therapy as am still waiting for my appointment with a neurologist who specialises in MS so am looking into what I can do in the meantime.

Hi and welcome to the forum. Diets are an interesting subject. You're right, we would all do better on a healthy, balanced diet, as would anybody. However, you will receive comments from those who feel that their chosen diet is working for them. Any diet needs to be strict and disciplined. Members talk of food diaries, where they record their meals, so they can look back if they suddenly take a turn for the worse to identify the culprit. The medical profession won't condone a dietary approach as there's only anecdotal evidence. They like to work on the results of properly controlled trials. And, no-one finances trials which won't result in some form of profit. Now MS is quite unpredictable and seems to be different for everybody. So, a dietary regime may work for you. But, there again, it might not. Other forms of MS management include having a balanced life, which avoids extremes of overdoing it. Moderation would be a key word here. Also, "listen to your body". The body is quite good at telling us when you're overdoing things, so don't ignore what your body says. And, finally, avoid worry and stress. MS seems to know when we're stressed and takes the opportunity to play up. I know, recently diagnosed, so how do you avoid worry and stress. It can be difficult, but consider what worry and stress produces for you. The answer is usually nothing. MS is a manageable condition. So, continue finding out about it and keep asking questions.


I follow my no gluten, dairy, egg, legumes, sugar, caffeine and nightshade free diet and I have to say that it has helped me hugely! Before my dx I always ate a healthy and well balanced diet ... But it is the inflammation causing foods that were still included but since removing all of the above from my diet I have felt tons better and I would never eat any other way! There's no harm in cutting out these foods, you can get all the nutrients you need without them but if you are gonna try I'd start by cutting out the obvious big baddies that are gluten and dairy and keep a food diary and see how you get on .... There is more evidence out there to show diet helps than to show it doesn't! xxx