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Feeling positive

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share a win I had over the weekend. I have been diagnosed with RRMS for 18 months now and it has been a rollercoaster of emotions and if I'm honest I haven't been dealing with it in the best way. I only told my immediate family and a couple of colleagues about my diagnosis. Although I knew I had the support of my family I knew they found it hard to talk about it and therefore tried to just carry on without bringing it up. I found support on shift.ms if I needed it but I was extremely nervous about opening up to friends about it. Well this weekend I took the leap and sent a message out to a small group of friends sharing my diagnosis. They have been amazing, supportive and grateful that I have trusted them to share this with them. I really shouldn't have worried and stressed about talking to them about my MS and I genuinely felt a weight had been lifted by me sharing this news with them. It really is good to talk.

I think you Should get on. DMD, I am now on tysbry, not working that well anymore, I was diagnosed at Age 30, 55 now


Great to hear that you have a supportive family and friends 😊.