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Issue with getting the Shingles vaccine?

Hi! I'm interested in other people's experiences! I'm due to start Kesimpta soon and my MS Team have advised me to get the Shingles vaccination before I start treatment. None of the nurses in my GP clinic are willing to do this injection because I'm under 50 years old, so it goes against the NHS guidelines (even though my MS Team has written into the clinic advising them I need this vaccine). Has anyone else experienced this barrier before? What happened in the end? Thanks!

@VickiH, hope your first Kesimpta treatment goes well for you. I have a different form of treatment for my MS, I use Rituxan infusion to treat myself. Not sure if Kesimpta is an infusion treatment; if it is I would bring with you some entertainment and snacks. As for your Shingles vaccine, hope you are able to receive it. Nice to meet you


@VickiH I've had a similar experience but with the HPV vaccine (I'm too old for it, etc, etc). Go back to your GP and make a fuss. You have a letter stating that you need this vaccine as part of your MS treatment plan, if that doesn't work, go back to your MS team and see if you local hospital can do it for you.