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Ive just started a new job and am really anxious about telling my employer. I work for a very large firm but in a small, lovely team and I know the firm has a brilliant approach to disability My concern is more them seeing me differently or assuming I cant do something. Im tempted to not tell them but my partner says I must, incase I need any adaptations moving forward Any advise?

Hello! When I started my latest job I told the senior management team but not any of my direct colleagues. I too was worried about people seeing me different etc etc. I have a pretty good skill to hide things on a bad day bit I know there is someone there that knows what's going on if I need anything


Hey @Sophs23 if you feel you can work day to day without any adaptations then you do not need to say anything. I was in a similar situation and chose not to say anything until after a year so that I could prove myself as an employee. They were fully supportive so I am sure yours will be too when you do decide to tell them. I've been with the company nearly 7 years and have not needed one MS related sick day. The work from home basis helped that massively when I have a fatigued day so I am unsure whether you will be mainly work based?