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Hi all, I got diagnosed with PPMS in 2018, used to walk a bit slow but it deteriorated quite fast (changed to one walking stick then two, after 2 years started using zimmer and now I'm a wheelchair πŸ˜„, well I it shouldn't have but came up and all I can do is just keep myself as happy as I possible. All my activities turned into memories. Don't forget socialising and communicate with others "I know it's not easy but keep being positiveπŸ‘Œ" I tell you who I used to be and my current condition then you would definitely get motivated in your life we'll be in touch πŸ˜‰

Sounds like you've had it really tough in a short space of time. Glad you're managing to stay mentally strong where possible.... that's half the battle! Take great care :)


Very much, but I try not to think about difficulties, keep smiling πŸ™‚