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Advice wanted

Hello, I was diagnosed in January and have chosen to have Ocrevus as it seems to offer a good chance for relapsing/remitting. I keep seeing posts on a FB page about going natural and managing through diet, I suppose I'm looking for evidence this is possible, or someone to say go with the meds. My symptoms are very mild but I want to be responsible about my treatment choice. Thanks

I know someone who did and is thrilled about it. He went completely on a clean diet, and does liver and kidney detox on a weekly basis. He's been trying to convince me to walk the same path but I'm hesitant. I've started the clean eating, but the detoxing scares me.


Good news that you have been offered Ocrevus. Ocrevus is highly effective, about 70% efficacy. Like all drugs it comes with side effects and risk. Then again so does paracetamol. I don’t have any experience myself but I think some people manage their MS through diet and lifestyle alone. There are books written about different diets, I think. I am doing both. I am taking a DMT and cleaning up my diet and lifestyle 🤞. Tricky decision, good luck either way you decide. Whatever you choose your health care team will still be there for you and at any time you can change your mind.