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New Patient Appointment left me baffled

After fighting my way into a neurologists office FINALLY 5 months after being diagnosed and passed along by the brain surgeon.. I had my New Patient Appointment yesterday.. during which I was questioned by a baffled neuro NP who says he doesn't understand my MS diagnosis because he "doesn't see it." I felt rushed after waiting foreverrr not just for the appointment itself but also getting to see him after I got there. I forgot so many things despite writing down 6 pages that I never even got to unfold.. he has diagnosed me with "unexplained seizure disorder," ordered a bunch of blood work, and scheduled me for another EEG, another set of brain and neck MRIs w and w/o contrast, and scheduled me for a 3 month follow-up... I left without my one answer I had and a lot more questions.. I feel so lost and even more alone now that I don't know if I belong in this support group or not..

Don’t worry, if you have Ms a deep scan and mri will confirm all this. For the time being listen to the podcast that I sent you in the past and change your diet and exercise if you can.


@Laure my last brain/cspine scans only showed one lesion which to my 1st neurologist wasn't enough. He loved to run lots of tests and never give answers.. That's why I refused to go back, and he sent me to the neurosurgeon who was fast at getting tests and seeing and diagnosing me.. but he said MS isn't surgical, so he referred me across the hall to a new neurologist.. who now says this. I'm working out more, but my diet can't get anymore restrictive at this point. I work hard just to keep my weight from falling. Most of my diet is legumes, veggies, and rice already.