Tysbri or Lemtrada
Hi my computer skills are atrocious they didn’t use be, just another symptom. This is response to the new chap who asked about two medications.
I was on Tysabri for nearly 6 years,a wonderful drug helped me to stay at work, Only came off due to the change in my JC virus test. Unfortunately my veins were terrible to see so ended up having a
Porta Cath fitted was a sinch after that.
After a group of quite serious relapses I accepted the referral for Lemtrada up at kings, that was the nearest teaching hospital. Thankfully at the time I had a I wife who sorted out the diet I had to have and made sure I stayed away from the negative foods/items. The first 5 day stint was awful I’ve never felt so rough, when I went home I had to adjust to not being able to stand or walk, i had a hospital bed downstairs so didn’t help my self esteem. Then I had round two which was much better 2017.
I won’t drag this out for too long but this is very important. I was a person who was told by their Neurologist that if I didn’t go onto Lemtrada my next relapse would leave me having to go into a full time nursing care home because I wouldn’t be able to be cared for by my wife at home.
Over five years later no relapse. My MS has deteriorated in certain aspects but that is normal.
So Tysabri no issues.
Lemtrada make sure you understand the regimes and that you have a solid support network around you that fully understand it also. There are 4 weekly blood and urine tests that you have to have for 5 years (it’s great when you get the letter to day no. More required)
I hope this has helped you.