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Coming off Tecfidera after 6 years

Hey guys! It’s been so long since I posted on here as I’ve been doing relatively good. Diagnosed in June 2018 and started Tec in September 2018. Bloods always been fine, no new lesions - excellent! However, over the last 6+ months, my lymphocytes dropped as low as 0.37, came up to 0.5 so I could stay on Tec but dropped again. My MS nurse said it’s unusual to experience such low lymphocytes after all these years on the DMT. Anyway, have had to come off them and go ‘cold turkey’ the last few weeks. Recent bloods showed still low and they won’t move me onto another DMT until my lymphocytes are at least 0.8. Anyone else have experiences of this? Apparently it can be a slow road to lymphocytes coming back up, if they do at all. Ash x

when I moved from tecfidera to another DMT. it took several months for my lymphocytes to reach level needed for new DMT. it was a slow wait but they eventually increased.


Hi, went from Techfidera to Mavenclad which kills off lymphocytes very deliberately