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Vent/need advice

I have rrms and right now I have no obvious symptoms of it besides being physically and mentally fatigued. It takes so much mental energy out of me to convince myself to not call in sick because I know in the long wrong I will temporarily feel relieved being able to rest but later I’m going to be stressed about the unpaid sick day I just took and how it’ll affect me financially. It then ends up causing me more stress and mental fatigue constantly worrying what my work thinks of me calling in sick so much. So because of that I feel a mental block to sign in to work every single day. All I wanna do is do things at my own pace and rest when I can but I cant always do that if I’m supposed to be working 🙃.

I really feel you with this one as I’m the same about wanting to call in sick all the time. I feel guilty if I do and worry about the finances etc too. it’s not great and I’m really struggling at the minute with just everything. can you get any financial support?


can you cut back on your hours? ms in the uk is covered by the disability act under employment law and reviewing your working hours would fall under something called reasonable adjusts. maybe there’s something similar in Canada??? hope so good luck & take care of yourself