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Hi again

Hello. Been a lot of m9nths since I was here. Back then I was waiting for a 2nd opinion after been told 8 years it was rrms then the last 5 been told I was a hypochondriac. Well, had 2nd opinion, it's definately ms, now spms due to no treatment for 5 years. With other health problems disease modifying treatment not an option. The heart failure the same, just found out I have cancer cells in bladder although no invasive malignancy yet and they could have been caused by all the times I've been catheterised due to the ms. My biggest lesions are in my cerebral cerebellum and I am now really struggling with memory, cognitive, my personality has changed. Life's a bloody joy at present not. Hope everyone else doing ok, sorry if I didn't reply yo any messages at beginning of the year

please ignore typos eyesight and hand function rubbish too now


Hi Annie.. that's a lot you have to deal with. I'm also spms now. Happy to talk when you need to