Do you know anyone else with MS?
Felt like posting again, it's nearly midnight and I'm always far too awake at night. It has good and bad points.
Anyway! Do you know anyone else who had/has MS?
My mum had a very aggressive strain of it more than 30 years ago. She was diagnosed in her mid 30's and passed away when she was only 41. I was 13 when she died. It was early days where medication was concerned, and she was taking a lot of medication. Her last 6 months, she was basically bedridden, had early onset dementia (wtf right?) and we had to do basically everything for her. So I knew from a young age just what MS was. I had always suspected I might get diagnosed at some point. Lo and behold I was right.
An old school friend also has MS, and she has a few family members who have it as well.
I'm just curious if anyone else maybe suspected they might have it or is close to anyone else who does, too. Was it a shock to you to be diagnosed, or did you even know about MS before?
Please only share if you feel up to it.
Not anyone in my family no, but I have discovered a couple of work colleagues of my partner have it. It is very much a snowflake disease as their experiences are very different to mine ie. symptoms and frequency etc
Since being diagnosed myself, I have come across two others, at work, who have MS. We are all different, in every way. Yes, it was a major shock to be diagnosed with MS, I was fairly clueless about MS and the worst bit was the constant questions from work colleagues who expected me to be an expert on the subject, or offered advice about something they knew little about. I was newly divorced, single mum looking after two children, the diagnosis was part of the reason why I had to find a new job. Work colleagues decided to make life difficult for me, mainly due to their ignorance.