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Recently diagnosed and depressed

I was diagnosed with MS on june/2019 i had double vision , balance issues and brain fog and just took my first MS injection this month (ocrevus) , plus i was diagnosed on September/2019 with endometriosis stage 4 and went on a surgery, they keep telling me to get pregnant to avoid the painful period but because of the MS medicine i can’t get pregnant for a year and a half, so they are suggesting to take visianne for a year and a half ! I think that its very wrong and outdated also my MS provider wants to give me a pill for any issue i have , mood swings , anxiety, depression and overwhelmed about having two painful chronic illnesses. Have any of you tried a holistic approach? I am lost I don’t know what to do + i think that the MS and endometriosis are linked somehow 😔

I just had my 5th infusion on Rituxumab and I've been feeling pretty great. I wouldnt change treatment, my dr told me as long as I'm not pregnant at infusion time, the pregnancy will be safe. I've also been told that being pregnant delays symptoms. Getting pregnant is always an issue for me, I'm definitely going to look into endometriosis and get tested. Keep your head up, everything gets better with time.


This isn't a concern of mine...I was a "one and done" chick, one child, then diagnosed and wasn't planning to have another so haven't followed this topic but I've watched many of the Dr Boster videos. I know that the DMT that I originally took starting in 2005, Copaxone, is the one recommended if you are considering pregnancy. Dr Boster has this video on pregnancy and MS and DMTs, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9HXFLu2a1M&list=PL3a4GpjWLtCjGCHgDJImHjwIHrKLFRQwd&index=34&t=0s Hopefully that helps, listening to it now as I am curious ;-)