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I was diagnosed officially with MS in April. Can't walk well. Use walker and wheelchair to date. Can't do steroids have bad reactions. Been on Aubagio since June with really no change. What are odds I will at best walk with a cane?

Hi Carla, Have you had relapses before and just now diagnosed? Based on what you said it seems like a ocrevus might be a better medication for you then what you are on. What options did they give you? You have a number of options in Nevada so it’s important to make sure you have a good doctor.


I was diagnosed with  Multiple Sclerosis in 2016 and put on Avonex immediately. I also discovered the Swank MS diet and went on it soon after being diagnosed. A few years later, my liver enzymes were affected and my neurologist said she had other patients who were just on the Swank diet, so I went off the Avonex and have just been on BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE MS HERBAL TREATMENTS for several weeks. Now, 15 years after my diagnosis, my annual MRI shows no additional lesions and I have no disability. All my symptoms declined. I work as a realtor and interior designer and am on my feet all day. I am 63 and going strong. Anyone who reads this please do everything you can to get early treatment from (ww w. Besthealthherbalcentre. co m)..