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Confused about treatment

Hi everyone, I got diagnosed with relapsing and remitting MS just yesterday and I've been told we need to start treatment so it's a good idea to decide what I want to go with. My options have been narrowed down by the MS nurse and neurologist to 3 based on the severity of my MS (I've had about 4 episodes in the past year, maybe more) and the symptoms I've been experiencing. These are Mavenclad, Ocrevus and Tysabri. I'm leaning more towards Ocrevus and Tysabri (both infusions) as they seem to be more effective at the moment as Mavenclad is a fairly new drug. I have read about them both and both have their pros and cons but I'm just hoping someone can maybe give me some insight into them based on personal experience maybe? Thanks in advance!!

Hi @aansy sorry to hear about your diagnosis but there is a good life after this. I am 23 years down the ms route and was on tysbri for three years of that. I stopped because any good effects were gone for me but two other women that I met through having infusion were having great results 10 years on. But ocrivus sounds good and I would love to try it but very hard to get here in Ireland. Best of luck in your journey😊 Patricia


Hi @patirl - thank you for your message. If you don't mind me asking, do you feel tysabri helped your symptoms while you were using it? I guess everybody experiences different symptoms but I'm desperate for a treatment which will help me recover from my existing symptoms which are becoming quite problematic in my daily life. After 3-4 minutes of walking, sometimes less, my legs just struggle to walk/lift/bend and I end up dragging my feet. Praying for a miracle treatment!