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Mental Health

Good morning all hope all is well, I will like to know if anyone is struggling with mental health since they was Diagnosed with MS? I am asking because since I was diagnosed my mental health has been off so bad, maybe it is because I seem not to know how to except it fully especially when my little ...


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Mental health

I was at hospital last week seeing a lady called Ashleigh who is a student from Edinburgh currently based out of Clinical Neuropsychology in Dundee who is currently performing a survey on people with multiple sclerosis who have had suicidal thoughts. So I was taking part in the process. It’s importa...
Dundee, United Kingdom


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mental health & MS

Hey everyone, I’m wondering if anyone could pass on any advice or information for something like counselling surrounding living with MS? 😌 I’ve recently been diagnosed and I’m having a tough time coping with the bizarre symptoms that seem to just keep snowballing. I don’t feel like I’m strugglin...


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Mental Health during diagnosis

I don’t even know where to start as I’m not formally diagnosed and still awaiting results and further testing but a couple of lesions have been found, MS was always a scary word for me as I had seen what it could do working in healthcare as my first job at 17, I’m now 24 looking at being diagnosed,...


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Mental health

How do you deal with the trauma that comes with the life changing condition . I’ve been feeling mentally drained and wondered if anyone else feels this. Something simple as watching tv and seeing people able to walk “normally” or wanting to try something new like a sport but lacking confidence😣


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I'd like ask anyone get a.mood switch or bad taughts coming off steriods as I'm all over place and can't figure out how


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MS and mental health study - share your thoughts below 🧠

Here at, we're always talking about the link between MS and mental health. MSer Krishna took to the MS Latest page to reflect on how her own experience relates to the latest research shared in Multiple Sclerosis Today. According to a recent study from the University of British Columbia, pe...


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Mental health and ms

Yesterday my mental health took the better of me and I spent most of the day crying about how I feel and the fact that I'm stuck with ms. I feel useless to everyone. Has anyone been in this situation and what helped up with it (I'm a keen crafter but can't get my head into doing it) xx


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Mental health issues with MS

Does anyone have problems with their mental health with MS. I have more cognitive problems with my MS and have moment of feeling like I can't think straight.. feel more in my head then in the moment. I also live alone so don't have much one on one relationships at home.