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Mental health

How do you deal with the trauma that comes with the life changing condition . I’ve been feeling mentally drained and wondered if anyone else feels this. Something simple as watching tv and seeing people able to walk “normally” or wanting to try something new like a sport but lacking confidence😣

I hear that, took walking for granted when I had full mobility!! I have my moments when I sit there and feel down watching the people walking effortlessly! your doing amazing 🧡keep pushing through. we’re all here when you need us. 🧡🧡🧡


take each day as it comes. it takes time to adjust to the diagnosis and even then you can have a mental wobbly day sometimes. unfortunately you will have bad days, but the good times are great. maybe see if you can find a friend to go with you to the sport you want to try or meet up with a local MS Group and ask someone there to join you? you are still you, no matter what medical condition you have. be gentle with yourself. if you decide to try something, aim for the time of day you might have more energy (are you a morning person?). does it help you to use a wellness diary (today I'm grateful for x, y &z) or meditation or sunbathing or the theatre or maybe you prefer a social outing with friends ? plan something to look forward to in the next month and next year and the next 5 years. something for you. Good luck