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Rant - Over It

Ok, usually I am one who pushes through, fights on, stays positive, takes it like a champ and does what needs to be done for myself and everyone else, despite how I feel or whatever challenges I am facing. Knowing that if I dont do it - it wont get done. There isnt anyone to call on, things can't fall apart, and any complaints will fall on deaf ears anyhow. Today - I have had it! I cant be a super person and push through. I can't tolerate one more day of intense pain, one more doctors visit, one more prescription, one more infection. I hate that I walk through this alone. Noone to hold my hand and tell me it will be ok when I am scared to death of what's happening to me. Noone to brave those ER or doctors appts with me when I feel like I can't get myself to walk through those doors one more time. Noone to be there should the medication effect me in a not so good way. I have much compassion for my single friends who are going through things, never wanting them to walk through it alone. Always there in whatever way I can be - going the extra mile. Yet, somehow I am always expected to be brave, positive, strong, and weather the storm ALONE. Well today, I am NOT ok. Today I am OVER it!!! Today I am scared and overwhelmed. At the end of my rope! Today, I am crying out saying..I just can't do it. I just can't push through.... Ok..so there is my rant. Thank you for allowing the space for me to share. I think I feel a bit better now.

I've said before.... "Some days I want to be strong because I know you want me to be strong and I want to be strong for you. But somedays I don't want to be strong for you....because I don't want to be strong...and I don't want to let you down" Rant away, you'll not get judgement here


I know how you feel.