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Is anyone else having a really hard time with trying to do better health wise. After my diagnosis of RRMS I got so depressed. It seems like I cannot find even an ounce of motivation to get me to eat better or exercise. I just don’t even understand. With everything else I have to deal with, kids, injuries, fatigue.. etc like how do you motivate yourself to also eat healthy and exercise. Any tips or advice would be appreciated, I feel so stuck, it’s like junk food is the only thing making me happy at the moment. How do I stop.

It's OK to not be OK.as long as I don't stay in this mindset is what I tell myself. Be kind to yourself. The only person who knows us best is ourselves. It took me A LOT of practice looking after myself after dx (diagnosis) as it wasn't a natural trait. When it comes to exercise the trick is to find something you enjoy. Nobody other than ourselves will know what that is & it may take a bit of dipping your toe in with different activities until you find your answer. When we're you dx? I hear good reflection in identifying how you feel.


and that practice of looking after myself is still ongoing!