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Discrimination is destroying me

Hi, I’m in a professional post in the nhs and I am being slowly beaten over time by the discrimination and downright cruelty I experience. I don’t want to say anything too outing, suffice to say that a couple of years ago I had gone as far as a Tribunal but withdrew it because of the lack of support in work from people and no legal representation. I’ve been diagnosed almost 3 years, and in that time it’s ranged from blunt rude comments about my abilities to subtle things like being passed over for things I can do perfectly well or (worse) being left out of information sharing due to me only working 3 days a week. I am in a supposedly “caring” profession (I’m not a Nurse btw) yet I honestly don’t know how much longer I can cope mentally and emotionally. I returned recently after a month’s sick leave triggered by an occupational health referral which was so utterly offensive I’ve put a claim into Acas for help. It spoke of how I “imagine things” and “snap on and off”. All someone’s personal opinion and news to me! Yesterday I went into work and a more senior colleague decided to tell me that my recent reasonable adjustment is a complete waste of money and employer resources, and that if I can’t do the job as is, I should be given a role more suited to my capabilities. It was delivered in a very mean and blunt way, with no insight into how that may come across. I also hadn’t been canvassing for opinion! I feel like my employer are trying their best, but that the environment is so completely toxic it is going to cause real and lasting damage due to the stress it triggers. It is always really unexpected and I feel constantly now like there is nobody who I should even be making small talk with because the general understanding is not there. Pretty much everyone in this huge department knows I have RRMS, due to the nature of the job I’ve had to be very open.

@jochad1 Speak with your union rep. And explain to them how your being dealt with. They should be able to help. https://www.acas.org.uk/dismissals/constructive-dismissal


It might be worth discussing with the charity Scope, who have a really solid employment team. I have experienced similar in a large school of medicine and gave up a research job in the NHS because of some crass commments and being passed over for other opportunities. I know it sounds crappy but this may be a way towards a better job (perhaps in another part of the NHS) where you will be treated with compassion, confidentiality and dignity. You don't have to fight this one alone.