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Anyone with similar experience?

I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced pain and stiffness in the small joints of your fingers before due to a relapse? I recently had blood tests to see if there was inflammation in my body under ESR and CRP tests. One came back a little higher than normal but they classed it as satisfactory. My physio questioned about rheumatoid-arthritis but I was told I'm far too young for that. So I am thinking due to my recent relapse and the fact they found more lesions on my brain, could this be a factor of the hand issues. I can't bend my fingers or make a fist and it's predominantly on my right hand, which is my dominant hand. I'm calling up the GP on Monday to ask more questions because if the blood test are all OK, then I still don't know why I'm having this problem. Any experiences or advice welcomed. Thank you

if your on a dmt it could be a side effect of the medication also - I get awful joint pain and have developed trigger finger( locking joints & pain on my right hand since starting kesimpta ( my left side is my most effected side ie right hand significance)


@Kiko41 thank you for your response! I'm not currently on a dmt as the only one safe for pregnancy I could not deal with anymore. Too many health issues to deal with any more additional side effects from the others. Hopefully will have an appointment with my neuro soon, been a long while, need to understand my MRI results, the ms may be a factor.