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6 months on from diagnosis (and a hello!)

Hi all, thought I'd share a little about my journey so far! I got my diagnosis at the end of last year, a few months after a hospital stay when I woke up one morning and the entire right side of my body had gone completely numb. Initially it felt like a relief to get the diagnosis, because I'd been suspecting that's what it was for a while (I'd a few a couple of less severe episodes prior to this, which I was told were likely a trapped nerve). Then a few weeks after it hit me properly and the year so far as been felt like an uphill battle to stay positive, especially when things like getting appointments has required a lot of waiting. But I finally met the MS nurse at my local hospital this week, and it was the most positive appointment I've had so far - for one thing, I felt like I was being treated like an actual human being. I'm going to be starting my first course of Cladribine once I've got my bloods done. Bit nervous about it, but it feels like progress which is nice!

Hi, just wanted to say hi and reach out as I’m at a similar point in the ms journey to you. I was diagnosed last year, and have completed yr 1 of clabribine. If you have any questions or want to talk, I’d be more than happy to. :) take care


Mine has been uphill struggle as well, it didn't help that my diagnosis was just before lockdown, so I had no help as there were bigger things going on. I am just getting the help I need as well. I had my first infusion of ocrevus on Tuesday. Good luck with all. We are all here if you need to talk.