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Like leaving my youth.

I imagine this will read odd to some, but I have had a night of reflection, so it resonates with me at the minute. I was only diagnosed at the back end of last year (37, m), it didn't really hit me that hard. It was/had been expected for like, 10 years or so. Only by myself mind, I have a cousin with it so always feared the worse when optic neuritis flared up. It's not like I had an horrendous experience chasing things up. I have found, ever increasingly it seems, that I can't do what I could as well as I thought I could. I don't have children so I don't feel the guilt some people do about letting them down. It's purely selfish. I am very frustrated that I can't, for example, go out on the lash or walk aimlessly around for hours, smoking (I have given up the fags to be fair). Like I said, I don't have children and had an absolutely amazing run of pure indulgence. I just miss the past and resent the enforced change. I don't know if it's self pity affecting me, or the fact I'm getting old and broken now? I like to think I've taken a very positive approach to it all, changed my diet, lifestyle etc (might be "too little, too late" but that's by the by). I just feel all a bit meh. I feel a bit like I've been forced to "adult". I'm not looking for sympathy or a telling off. Just wondered if anyone had advice regarding the resentment and enforcement. Cheers. Have a cosmic weekend.

Hi @Twigboy86, I know exactly what you mean. I was diagnosed 11yrs ago. Was still a big party girl going out every Saturday night. Exercised 3/4 times a week, now a walk is my exercise. I totally mourn the person I used to be. One cocktail is all I can manage these days. I've learnt to except my life these days and just take it one day at a time. I know what you mean a out being forced to adult. it's crap situation that we didn't ask for but we have to make the best of it


Hear you LOUD and it resonates- your not alone believe me. 41 and feel like I’m gonna die of boredom some days . keep the same job cause it’s stable and don’t realistically know what else would be viable or secure in my position. ms has kinda taken the I’ve still got time to and a few of life’s ‘ff its’ away ……..although 🤔that might not always be such a bad thing 😁think what I’m trying to say is that I understand that ms and it’s health uncertainties kinda impacts the freedom, impulsivity and potential of life in some respects. Here’s hoping that the weekend gets a bit less reflective at least 😊👍🍀💪