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I started a job 10 weeks ago running a daycare kitchen thinking I was still capable of everything I used to be able to do. I haven't worked in 3 years. I cant handle it at all. My brain doesn't work like it used to so simple things like following a recipe I really struggle with. And I didn't think it would be as physical as it is. Im having a flare of my old symptoms at the moment. I really want to leave but feel bad for letting them down. I don't know what to do 😔

Breathe hun just ……breathe. What are you doing well despite everything? Get urself a mantra mine is ‘ this is gonna be hard but I can do this’ Tryto focus on ur wins how ever small they might be ( did u get to work on time?, did ppl have something to eat) ur stronger than u think when it all gets too much try breathing exercises or muscle relaxation can do both and no one will know what ur doing right in the middle of a shift. Or maybe talk to work and see if u could have a couple of mini breaks fitted into ur shift? It’s easy to be hard on urself but hard to go easy on urself ( get it that’s a brain hurt right if reading that at the wrong time - trust me I know 🙄😳😊) take care of urself sending u much support hun 👍💪