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What do you do to help relieve tightness in legs and stomach?

Hi everyone, my working diagnosis a month ago in A&E is RRMS, doctors told me to continue with normal activity with no treatment and let the flare come down on its own. I have my MS specialist first appointment in June to begin discussion about proper diagnosis and treatment. In the meantime, I am experiencing what I think is severe tightness and heaviness from my diaphragm to my feet, my lesion is in my mid-spine, worst in my stomach, abdomen, thighs and calves. When I stand it is as if I can feel all my blood pooled in my calves and feet and the sensation of that is unbearable. From my diaphragm to my feet I have altered heightened nerve sensations, it’s uncomfortable lying, sitting still and walking. I’m trying to do stretches and massage myself, it helps a little but sometimes I’m not sure if I’m making things worse. Too hot or too cold makes the symptoms worse, staying warm is best. Because of the pain and discomfort, it feels like I shouldn’t do normal activity so have stopped going to the gym and only go for short walks. If I go and do anything longer than 30 minutes of constant activity (walking, sitting in a cafe) the nerve sensations are severe and all areas feel tight and heavy. Is this just what it is like for these symptoms of MS, can anyone share if they experience these symptoms and what they have found to help (both things to do without treatment and what treatments they were given for these symptoms)? Any thoughts on weird symptoms in the stomach and what to do would be really helpful, my core muscles feel like they are attacking me everytime I move. It’s been 6 weeks since my symptoms appeared and they still feel as severe, can anyone share how long they found it took for their flare of these symptoms to come down, I know everyone is different? Thank you, just hearing about other people’s experience is helpful

raise legs and work on your core strength specialist may give you steroids may not - hope you feel better soon


Hey, 2nd & 3rd relapse were more or less, the same as yours. I just kept doing the things i did before. Dispite the "discomfort". Looked at it as if i was following some kind of medical discovery Chanel docu. With myself as the main study -object. Only thing i couldn't do was riding my bike; fell of twice so better wait with that kind of activities. I think it sounds pretty much like you are doing all you càn do in this situation. I found that every kind of distraction helped me the most. Gabapentine and pregabeline are 2 kinds of meds that can be given in case of severe neuropathy. Tried it for about a week. Wasn't for me. But to many people it's a release, i hear. Al the best, 🤛