The Short Story

During the years before MS became a BIG part of my life my family had the opportunity to travel, ski, join clubs and make enough to have fun. In 2011, while visiting family I started to have double vision. I was worried so the next day I saw an Ophthalmologist who said my eyes were fine. The following day I saw a MD who told me that I was diabetic. (No blood test) At the time I weighed almost 300 pounds at 5’10’and that diagnosis encouraged me to lose some weight. I started to walk and was shortly up to 5 miles a day and I changed my lifestyle to achieve the goal of losing weight. In one year, I lost around 70 pounds. Then, with all our children doing well, my wife and I moved to be with my elderly in laws and went to Southern California from the Central Valley of California. We lived in New Mexico and raised our family there then a short time in Illinois. After several years they both of my wife’s parents passed away. Now we live in Clarksville, Tennessee. I started having balance problems and cramping in one leg. and the dexterity on my right side. Writing as well as using a computer has become difficult. Now only one finger is used to type, and it takes so much longer. About this time my lower back started to give me quite a bit of pain. Upon seeing a Dr. in 2014 he informed me that I did not have diabetes with a A1C of 5.5. He thought I may have Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS). A spinal tap was done, MS was confirmed. With those words my life seemed over (RRMS). Depression mixed with fatigue is my biggest a problem. then balance. In 2015 to 2017 I dealt with a Trigeminal Neuralgia. The pain was horrendous. I even remover a tooth because I thought the pain came from that tooth. Wrong. I tried everything until my Neurologist suggested that a brain surgery was needed. Off to Los Angeles I went. It worked like day and night. The pain was gone though it could come back. No No No!!!! My wife is my greatest supporter and I read about MS via books and the internet. I get an MRI each year and discuss the current scans as well as going over the medications I’m using. So far, knock on wood, I do not use any walking aids. I do however, bump into things. At airports I get a wheelchair. It is hard to humble myself. Lucky enough, I got my daughter’s Peloton due to her moving in 2020. Riding is a great exercise. I not only started exercising, but I also worked with a pain doctor and a physical trainer to develop a safe way to exercise. I use resistance bands and ride the Peloton six times a week. At first it was all I could do to get my feet in the clips and now I can ride for an hour. My balance is better, my depression is much less, and my speech is clearer! The Peloton is a life saver! My personal goal is to get my weight down to 190, I am close, almost there as of this writing. Building stamina is one goal as well as my latest challenge is to live till I am 100. Got to have goals. MS is something we need to live with. That won’t change, but it is important to stay fit, eat right and live the best life we can. For the last few years both my Dr. and I feel that I am stable. ???