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Lemtrada: how to mentally prepare

Hi everyone. I am so glad this app exists and grateful for all of you who take the time to write. I have to decide between the 4 high efficacy treatments very soon and I'm leaning towards lemtrada. I am however a bit scared of the unknown, how am I going to react to the infusions, isolating the 1 month and maybe longer, risk of ihyroid problems and possibly other conditions ... i have a little kid who goes to nursery which makes it difficult to imagin what post treatment will look like. I would be grateful for any type of experience, wether it is how you felt after treatment or if you had to juggle treatment and young kids and how you managed it... Thank you 🙏🏽

I did ovrevus for 1 year and have been treatment free for 5 years now I follow a diet called best bet MS diet and haven't looked back you should look into this guy named Mathew embry he has a movie out called living proof and him and his dad created the diet and it works.


Lemtrada is pretty tough, the 1st month. I felt really tired and the headaches are difficult as your immune system is being wiped out. I only had 1 side effect post treatment ( over 5 years) sepsis , 2nd month ( 4 days back in hospital and I was fine). Just the monthly bloods and that becomes the normal. 2 round is much easier as its only 3 days. Good luck