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Getting a diagnosis - UK

I'm not yet diagnosed but I'm pretty sure I've got RRMS and am currently experiencing a flare up of symptoms. I've been on the waiting list to see an NHS neurologist since January, I've got an appointment in December which will be the first time I've been seen by a specialist. I guess I want to know if anyone has any advice on speeding up this process? I'm battling with my mental health anyway and suspected MS is obviously not a fun thing to process but at the same time it feels like a relief to have a potential explanation for all the symptoms. I'm considering trying to pay for a private MRI to speed things up because I don't want this uncertainty for the next 5 months until the NHS neurology appointment. Even just for my own peace of mind, I would rather have a diagnosis and be able to work on processing that than deal with uncertainty. Has anyone else had a similar situation or managed to speed up getting a diagnosis at all? The unknown is the worst bit right now for me.

years ago I had a similar wait to see a neurologist I raised a complaint with patient liason PALS and miraculously I was offered an appointment very much sooner that is an unacceptable wait IMO once you see the neurologist you still have to have blood tests and a lumbar puncture so important to see one ASAP


@prgirl thank you so much for your response, I will raise a complaint now!! Really appreciate this