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Feeling useless

Does anybody else just feel like they are making everyone's lives so much more difficult? I'm 26 and was diagnoses with RRMS may 2023 and my scans show I'm stable but my symptoms are just getting worse. My mental health is really bad and all I keep thinking is I'm no good to anyone, I struggle to care for my two young children (4yr 1yr) and just think to myself what the point is in this, I feel like I just want to give up and stop trying. My support network all work so I'm alone most days dealing with this and trying to be a parent. This all feels too much for me at the moment and I don't really have anyone to talk to about all of this. Sorry in advance for the depressing post, I just needed to vent and to see if anybody else has gotten to this point and how they got out of this rut😕

I had a similar off day yesterday. My circs are completely diff to yours but the feeling of complete 'what's the point' were there. Am a firm believer in 'tomorrow's another day' & although haven't got up yet am hoping this will be the case 🙏


First scans don't show everything so don't beat up yourself about progression. It seems you have some classic symptoms of depression so please consider the GP. I was a single parent when diagnosed and felt very similar. I had to lift myself up by reminding self that kids want their mum in whatever state you are at. The emotional and guidance side of parenting is the most important. In the coal face of toddler time everything feels very physical so physical disabilities seem the most impacful. Reach out to as many sources of help you can. I found occupational therapist amazing support at thinking of ways to cope. Your GP or MS nurse can refer. I also rang the MS helpline several times. they really get it. There will be other talking therapy available just because you might have to wait to start doesn't mean not starting Have specific things you ask folks to do. eg my mum did my ironing. wishing you all the best. It can be better than it is now. my kids are now adults and they feel it was OK having a mum with MS it was just their normal