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Isn’t it ironic?!

The song comes to mind by Alanis Morisette 😂 I can’t stop thinking about all the literature, advice, and talk around Multiple Sclerosis and it’s possible associations with stress. I wonder, has anyone done a study of disease activity and the stress experienced whilst waiting for diagnosis and waiting for treatment? Because as much as people recommend avoiding stress, it’s quite difficult when it all kicks off. “What’s happening to my body? Where are these results? What does that mean? Will X happen? Which treatment is best for me? Who was that phone call from? When will this calm down?” Everyone tells you to avoid stress when really, you can’t. Despite your everyday life, work, relationships, you can’t avoid the stress of diagnosis, appointments and treatments. Don’t really have an aim to this post. Just thought it might resonate here. So, isn’t it ironic?

@keepsmyelin99 I did try and keep a stiff upper lip... But Baclofen put paid to that approach. Isn't that ironic..... don't you think 😂


Haha 😂 @highlander ‘‘tis indeed!