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Black and White or Gray?

As a counsellor I have learned that there are no “black and white” answers to situations and that we have to learn to embrace “gray” answers, much as we do in other areas of our lives. By this I mean that there will often be no right or wrong answers to questions we may get from our clients and we need to learn to be flexible and non-judgemental as counsellors. This is something we humans all also need to learn to deal with in our own lives in situations of conflict. For those of us who live with chronic disease and pain, managing to “pivot” out of viewing situations as “black-and-white” to gray, is often very helpful. For example, if I view using a wheelchair as a bad situation, it will be more depressing for me to use it. If I view using a wheelchair as a necessary tool to help me achieve moving through my day independently, it is much more positive for me.

Is the cup half full or half empty ???? neither it’s a cup with some fluid in it if your thirsty 😁 love your posts