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Stiffness and numbness

My leg again begin to get stiff in the cold we had snd I fell over broke some ribs snd hurt my shoulder shortly Arthur my legs became numb in patch’s I have other numbness which had not gone away finally had another mri it’s not too bad and finally on two lots of meds making me feel like a zombie and awaiting actual DmD ,anyone had the same problems,

Hi @FlowerCouncil45 :) Firstly, sorry to hear about your fall and subsequent injuries. Sounds painful. I can certainly resonate with leg / mobility difficulties. I find the heat makes my mobility more difficult as opposed to cold. In saying that, my walking, balance, coordination can be difficult everyday. I haven't experienced this specifically but I have experienced falls. Numbness / pins and needles are part of my everyday but thankfully I can manage those at present. I'm on a DMT and Gabapentin for neuropathic pain. Hopefully they can rethink the meds making you feel like a zombie and get you on a DMT soon :)


Hi Stacey I hope your pain is better soon Thank you