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Advice on flare up

I'm having an active flare up and have been placed on 500mg of methylprednisolone daily for 5 days, and am using paramol and tiger balm to try keep the pain at bay. I've been looking into CBD oil as I used to be a heavy cannabis user around 4 years ago, before my diagnosis was confirmed, and did find that my symptoms were much less pronounced (although could have been coincidence). On top of heavy dull aching muscles, numbness and pins and needles in my limbs, I also struggle with insomnia poor mental health, headaches, balance issues, bladder emptying and frequancy etc I would be grateful if anyone could offer some advice of home treatments or remedies I could try. Once I'm more stable with money I was thinking of getting a personal trainer to help maintain my mobility, improve posture and flexibility for the long term. And possibly going for monthly massages to maintain body health.

muscle aching, numbness, pins and needles in your limbs, poor mental health, all those issues when I used splina, I bearly of those symptoms. bladder emptying and frequency watch the podcast from Aaron boster for that:Watch "Multiple Sclerosis Bladder Issues" on YouTube https://youtu.be/ekHpTVaG_L4?si=HVSzU1wjrx3AU_rI


I forgot about something in my post, people said that that cbd oil is good when you are having spasms. I personally didn’t use since I am using splina.