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Newly Diagnosed

Hi just been diagnosed and not sure what to think/do. Neurologist has recommended three different drug therapies. Tecfidera Plegridy Copaxone. His preference is for Tecfidera, but as you know nothing comes for free and the side effects with that seem worse than the other two, and neither of them seem particularly great. My symptoms thus far are relatively mild, but conscious that could change. Seeing MS nurses next month, so hoping they will be of benefit. In the meantime any advice on these drugs, take them, don't take them, what other options are there, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hi there. Have you been offered Kesimpta for RRMS? It’s a monthly injection, and I’ve had it since my diagnosis of RRMS 2 years ago and it’s been great for me. No further progression and no side affects. So far, my life hasn’t changed at all.


Not yet, hoping when I next speak to my team we can lay all the options on the table. Thanks for the reply.