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Stem Cell Transplant More Effective for SPMS Than Medications: Study

Hey SPMS crew πŸ‘‹ I've got some interesting news for anyone living SPMS! A recent study has found that stem cell transplants are more effective at slowing down the worsening of disability than many current treatments. In fact, they may even provide a slight improvement in symptoms! The procedure, called autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant (aHSCT), works by harvesting stem cells from the patient and then returning them to the same patient to repopulate the immune system with healthy cells. The study found that aHSCT was twice as effective as other medications in delaying the time to a first disability worsening event. What's even more exciting is that after 10 years, disability scores improved slightly for transplanted patients compared with worse scores for patients on medications. However, it's important to note that the research only applies to patients with active SPMS who have signs of inflammatory disease activity. Overall, this research is a ray of hope for anyone living with SPMS. While the results are still preliminary and more research is needed, they could pave the way for a new treatment approach that provides much-needed relief for people living with this challenging condition. Full article πŸ‘‰ https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/news-posts/2022/12/23/stem-cell-transplant-more-effective-spms-medications-study/

Very interesting! Thanks for the update!


Sweet πŸ‘