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What's your cure?

Hey everyone, Natalie here - new to the forum (25, living in London, from South Africa). I just wanted to get some insight into what everyone is doing to 'fight' MS? i.e. what's your cure? And yes, I use the word 'cure' because that's what we strongly believe in...and no good ever comes from taking a negative stance. Right, back to the topic! We are taking the natural route - so no DMD's (for now, if things ever get bad, then things might change). Plant-based, whole foods diet (i.e. vegan)with the addition of fish once or twice a week! No processed food, food with disgusting oils, etc etc. CCSVI treatment last December. Yoga, exercise, daily naps (if possible). Thanks for sharing :)

Half a teaspoon of turmeric with every meal and meditation. If I'd started taking turmeric earlier in my life and cut out beans/peas from my diet I believe I would have halted the progression. Meditation because controlling your mind is half the problem. My trouble is computer and TV calls me back too much and meditation is left out :((


Exercise and acceptance for me. Exercise helps me to feel good and more energetic, as well as the other health benefits associated. Like DJDsouza its a head game, so acceptance because its helped me to take stock and understand a bit about where I am in my life, for sure the cards have changed a little now, but the game is still the same, MS just means rethinking how to play it.