
Does anyone understand lymphocyte and u and E counts? My lympocytes have risen from 1.18 to 1.21 in 3 months. Now I've spoken to my nurse and she said that's fine but the aren't ones to talk for long if you're generally ok. The only thing that has bothered me is that I've had on and off lower back ache, usually in the middle or left side and I neck and shoulder ache on the same side. Now I had a relapse on that side which led to my diagnosis, I exercise and I'm active but would this have anything to do with the cold and damp weather? She did say my kidney one came back higher than normal but 1. I do like a beer or wine and 2. I've been taking about 8000ul a day of vitamin D for over a year which I'm being tested for because I've been told too much can do your bones and kidneys in. Any advice would be great, you know me not much for asking about stuff until it arises 🤷🏻‍♀️😂.