AHSCT to halt MS Progression

I’m currently at the excellent Pirigov hospital in Moscow, a university research centre where they have been performing AHSCT for auto-immune conditions including MS for almost 30 years, under the exceptional care of Dr Federenko and his staff. I’m now on my final day 6 of chemotherapy before I have my stem-cells reintroduced. My partner’s savings have gone towards funding most of this cost (€50,000) but my father has also kindly set up a JustGiving page, which is still live; if anyone feels they would like to share the page it would still be greatly appreciated. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/chris-brakel?utm_term=kBkKgJw6M I’m hoping this will give me the best chance of halting any further progression of my disease and I am optimistic. If anyone would like to talk to me about my experiences, please get in touch, I would be happy to speak with you: [email protected]