Drug choices
I got diagnosed in Feb this year and finally got to see consultant yesterday. I now have to choose the drug route I go down. As I have relapsing/remitting I have been offered DMDs so do I go down the less aggressive like Avonex, Extavia or plegridy. Or the more aggressive and more dangerous route ofLemtrada? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as my head is not in the best of places at the moment. Too much to take in.
Hi @sjjones and welcome. This is all new to you, so take your time. The present thinking is to hit MS hard and fast with the most effective treatment. Why take the risk of accumulating more damage, which could be disabling, by starting on a less effective treatment? Here's some reading for you, which aims to provide you with all the information to help you decide :- https://support.mstrust.org.uk/file/store-pdfs/MS-Decisions-ALL.pdf It's quite extensive, so could be a cure for insomnia. :wink: But, feel free to pose any questions you may have.
Thank you I will read the link and hopefully it will help with the decision,.