Symptoms and feeling anxious
I’ve been experiencing new symptoms from that which I had in 2014 when I had 2 mri’s that showed lesions but I didn’t have a 3rd scan which showed active lesions so I was told back then they couldn’t officially diagnose ms as they needed all 3 scans to show active lesions. Now 2018 and my balance is terrible, I stand on my feet all day in pharmacy and feel like I’m swaying, tingly and pins and needles in my forehead and my face went numb the other day. I get pheriperal nerve pain and I have damaged nerves. I also have autonomic neuropathy. I haven’t followed up on symptoms from 2014 as I was so tired and drained, Have I been irresponsible with having some lesions there? I’m going to see the old neuro in a couple of months. What were/are your symptoms? I think my type is relapse remitting? Thanks
@Shan80 Hi, diagnosis can be a long and stressful process. Took 2 years of testing before I got mine, as didn't meet the classic criteria. I had a lot of problems with balance/ dizziness, sometimes felt like the floor was moving. Had severe pain in my back and neck (neuropathic). Lots of numbness/tingling in hands and feet. My main issue was fatigue, felt like I was wearing a suit of armour, everything was so heavy walking was difficult. Stick with the neurologists though they'll get to the diagnosis eventually. Since mine I've been given pregabalin for my neuropathic pain which has really helped. Plus when you go onto a DMT it can really help (RRMS only though). My symptoms are still there but much reduced now.
Hi @shan80 and welcome. A diagnosis of MS has to satisfy the McDonald criteria ( It's good that you will be seeing your Neuro shortly. A further MRI should be able to allow for a diagnosis, then you'll be able to discuss how best to manage going forward. Let us know how you get on.