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Im in the process of finding out if i have ms.

about 20 yrs ago i was told i could have ms. It never went any further then that. 2 years ago i had back surgery and had complications. I had a sever pinched nerve in my back. after surgery the pinching part felt better. I always explained my pain away with that. Now that its better i still have numbess in both legs . before was just the left leg. BUt i notice that i have symptoms that relate to MS. I did have to quit my job i could no longer do it. one of my biggest questions is. Do you have good days? where it is tolerable? 2 weeks ago i was in hospital cause the pain in my body was really bad.

Hi there Everyone’s experience of MS is unique to them. I have relapsing remitting MS, meaning my symptoms come and go. I have good days most of the time and find that my biggest trigger is stress (you will learn what your triggers are) & my overriding constant symptoms are fatigue and numb or burning patches on various areas of my body. Your pain sounds unique to you, so make sure you get tested for fibromyalgia too. also, hyperthyroidism mimics some of the symptoms of MS. very best of luck seeking the answers that you need to enable you to feel comfortable 🫶


Thank you for getting with me. We have ruled out fibromyalgia. Things i experience are, Fatigue, headaches, muscles weakness, stiffness, spasams, twitching. dizziness, hands get stiff cant open lids. concentration, electic shocks in legs arms, numbness in both legs and arms, jerking movments, speach is slow sometimes, and slurry. balance is off, legs feel like jello. those are somethings i experience.